Homeless Hope is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that has been serving the homeless since 2009. We are a faith based ministry that emphasize sharing God’s love with the homeless by sharing our gifts with the homeless (clothing, food, toiletries), sharing our time with the homeless, and most importantly sharing our Christian faith. It is our belief that we help to provide “hope” to the homeless through our acts of generosity and love.
Our first formal event started back in 2009 when a group of our friends started a tradition of gathering each holiday season to collect coats, hats, gloves, and toiletry kits for the homeless in our community. This grass roots effort helped form the beginnings of Homeless Hope. Since 2009, Homeless Hope has helped to collect almost 1500 coats, hats, gloves, and toiletry kits for the homeless.
All members of Homeless Hope are volunteers who give their time, services, and money to help support the organization and nobody in our organization receives any payment for their services. We are proud that over 95% of our donations goes straight towards supporting the homeless, with less than 5% used to help pay for administrative services (websites, etc…).
Andrew Blount & Tucker Jones